A 32 year old man was admitted for dyspnea, hemoptysis, macroscopic he
maturia, hypertension (140/100), peripheral edema and hemodynamic deco
mpensation. Lung Xrays revealed pulmonary edema and a cavity in the le
ft apex. Laboratory determinations revealed an altered renal function
with increased creatinine and urea levels and nephrotic syndrome. Ther
e was leucocyturia, hematuria and cylindruria. The sputum showed a lar
ge number of acid-fast bacilli. The patient began anti-tuberculosis tr
eatment with three drugs (isoniacid, rifampicin, pirazinamide). On ult
rasonography, both kidneys revealed ecogenic lesions with size, shape
and cortico-medular relationship preserved. The patient persisted with
altered renal function, steady levels of urea nitrogen, creatinine an
d potassium, preserved diuresis and hypertension. Bidimensional echoca
rdiogram: LVDD 55 mm, hypoquinetic septum, pericardic effusion, thicke
ned pericardium, pleural effusion, shortening fraction decreased. He r
eceived treatment for this congestive cardiac failure and hypertension
with enalapril, nifedipine and fursemide. A percutaneous renal biopsy
was performed with anatomopathologic diagnosis of diffuse encocapilla
r proliferative glomerulonephritis with crescents (15%) and total glom
erular sclerosis (33%). Immunofluorescence: positive, immune-complexes
with IgM and C3. The patient gradually recovered his normal renal fun
ction, improved his pleural effusions and normalized his cardiac funct
ion. He was discharged in good clinical condition on the 69th day of a
nti-tuberculosis treatment. An association between pulmonary tuberculo
sis and glomerulonephritis is discussed. It is proposed that renal les
ions might be the consequence of the tuberculosis due to the sedimenta
tion of circulating immune-complexes.