A dramatic and peculiar dropout of >500-keV ions (but not electrons) w
as observed within Neptune's inner magnetosphere near 2 R(N) as the Vo
yager 2 spacecraft approached the planet. Unlike a number of other ene
rgetic particle features this feature could not be accounted for by kn
own material bodies in the context of the most utilized magnetic field
models (neither the offset tilted dipole models nor the spherical har
monic model ''O8''). However, the configuration of Neptune's inner mag
netosphere is highly uncertain. By applying a novel technique, utilizi
ng energetic particle measurements, to constrain the magnetic field co
nfiguration of the inner regions, we show that appeals to unobserved m
aterials within Neptune's system are unnecessary, and that the ion dro
pout feature was, in all likelihood, the result of ion interactions wi
th the maximum L excursions of the ring 1989N1R. The constraints also
favor the use of the M2 magnetic field model (Selesnick, 1992) over pr
evious models. An electron feature was probably absent because the ele
ctron interactions with the ring occurred substantially before the ion
interactions (about 2 hours for the electrons versus a few minutes fo
r the ions). Pitch-angle scattering apparently eliminated the electron
signature. Minimum scattering rates determined based on this premise
yield enough electron precipitation power to explain the brightest com
ponent of Neptune's aurora. We propose that this bright component is a
nalogous to the Earth's diffuse aurora.