Analytical and experimental studies have been done to determine the sh
ape of a vertical, axisymmetric, annular liquid jet. From a balance of
the surface, pressure, gravity, and inertia forces, a nonlinear, seco
nd-order ordinary differential equation is obtained for the shape of t
he annular jet. This equation is solved numerically by the Runge-Kutta
-Nystrom method. An annular jet either converges (closes), diverges, o
r maintains (theoretically) its original radius depending upon the mag
nitude of the difference between the inside and outside pressure. This
corresponds to, in terms of a dimensionless pressure (p) over bar whe
ther (p) over bar is less than, greater than, or equal to 2. An experi
ment has been performed to verify the analytical solution. The jet vel
ocity, inside pressure and other parameters have been varied to obtain
different shapes of the jet, both closing and diverging. Good agreeme
nt with the analytical prediction is found.