Despite many years of study, relatively little is known about the effe
ctor mechanims that operate against intestine-dwelling nematodes. Most
of the current understanding comes from studies of laboratory model s
ystems in rodents. It is clear that when an intestinal helminth infect
ion takes place the immune system generates a strong Th2-mediated resp
onse, which regulates a variety of responses characteristic of helmint
h infections such as eosinophilia, intestinal mastocytosis and elevate
d IgE production. The ability to modulate the host's immune response i
n vivo with cytokine-specific monoclonal antibodies and recombinant cy
tokines, together with the use of animals with disruption of key genes
involved in the immune response, have provided powerful tools with wh
ich to dissect the potential effector mechanisms operating. In the abs
ence of a T-cell compartment the host is unable to expel the parasite.
If a Th1-dominated response is generated, protective immunity is almo
st universally compromised. Thus, it would appear that some aspect of
a Th2-mediated response controls effector mechanisms. Although it is c
lear that for some infections the mast cell appears to be involved in
protection, probably through the generation of a non-specific inflamma
tory response, how these cells become activated remains unclear. Data
from infections in transgenic animals suggest that activation is not t
hrough the high-affinity receptor for IgE. Such studies also call into
doubt the importance of conventional interactions between effector le
ucocytes and antibody. There is little evidence to support a protectiv
e role for eosinophilia in any system. New data also imply that, altho
ugh interleukin 4 (IL-4) is generally important (and can exert effects
independent of an adaptive immune response), it is not always suffici
ent to mediate protection; other Th2 cytokines (e.g. IL-13) may warran
t closer investigation. It is apparent that a number of potential Th2-
controlled effector mechanisms (some of which may be particularly impo
rtant at mucosal surfaces) remain to be explored. Overall, it is likel
y that worm expulsion is the result of a combination of multiple mecha
nisms, some of which are more critical to some species of parasite tha
n to others.