The C2 domain is a Ca2+-dependent, membrane-targeting motif originally
discovered in protein kinase C and recently identified in numerous eu
karyotic signal-transducing proteins, including cytosolic phospholipas
e A(2) (cPLA(2)) of the vertebrate inflammation pathway. Intracellular
Ca2+ signals recruit the C2 domain of cPLA(2) to cellular membranes w
here the enzymatic domain hydrolyzes specific lipids to release arachi
donic acid, thereby initiating the inflammatory response. Equilibrium
binding and stopped-flow kinetic experiments reveal that the C2 domain
of human cPLA(2) binds two Ca2+ ions with positive cooperativity, yie
lding a conformational change and membrane docking. When Ca2+ is remov
ed, the two Ca2+ ions dissociate rapidly and virtually simultaneously
from the isolated domain in solution. In contrast, the Ca2+-binding si
tes become occluded in the membrane-bound complex such that Ca2+ bindi
ng and dissociation are slowed. Dissociation of the two Ca2+ ions from
the membrane-bound domain is an ordered sequential process, and relea
se of the domain from the membrane is simultaneous with dissociation o
f the second ion. Thus, the Ca2+-signaling cycle of the C2 domain pass
es through an active, membrane-bound state possessing two occluded Ca2
+ ions, one of which is essential for maintenance of the protein-membr
ane complex.