Mice with a null mutation in the Mgat1 gene lack N-acetylglucosaminylt
ransferase I (GlcNAc-TI; EC, and die at mid-gestation, This
result suggested that development of Mgat1(-/-) blastocysts and their
implantation could occur in the absence of complex and hybrid N-glyca
ns, However, inner cell mass of all blastocysts from several Mgat1(+/-
) heterozygous crosses bind the lectin E-PHA, indicating that Mgat1 nu
ll mutant blastocysts are able to synthesize complex N-glycans (Campbe
ll et al,, (1995) Glycobiology, 5, 535-543), In order to directly test
this hypothesis, Mgat1(-/-) blastocysts were positively identified by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of genomic DNA, Reverse transcriptase
PCR (RT-PCR) of RNA isolated from the same blastocysts, and restricti
on analysis of the PCR products, revealed that Mgat1 null blastocysts
contained Mgat1 RNA derived from the wild-type Mgat1 gene, Consistent
with this, all 3.5 day blastocysts from five heterozygous crosses boun
d the lectin L-PHA, a lectin previously shown not to bind to E8.5 or E
9.5 Mgat1(-/-) embryos that lack complex N-glycans (Ioffe and Stanley
(1994) Pi oc. Natl, Acad, Sci,, USA, 91, 728-732), Blastocysts of 4.5
days post-coitum (dpc) obtained by culturing 3.5 dpc blastocysts also
bound L-PHA, However, mutant embryos that did not bind L-PHA were pres
ent among progeny from E5.5 onward, Therefore, the effects of the Mgat
1 null mutation are not operative until sometime between implantation
and E5.5, due to the continued presence of maternally derived Mgat1 mR
NA in preimplantation embryos.