A new phenomenological approach is proposed to the description of ener
gy transfer by proper thermal radiation in disperse media, which is fr
ee of the limitations of geometrical optics and is capable of describi
ng collective effects. The approach is formulated in terms of the symb
ol (Fourier transform of Green's function) of the operator of radiativ
e heat transfer. The properties of the symbol are derived from the con
siderations of symmetry and laws of thermodynamics. A correlation is e
stablished between the proposed approach, the classical equation of ra
diation transfer, and a number of other models. The possibility is dis
cussed of practical realization of the proposed approach by generaliza
tion of the methods of spherical harmonics and discrete ordinates. The
singularities of the symbol are analyzed in the case of localized rad
iation. A method of direct measurement of the symbol by the temperatur
e wave method is proposed.