Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of dopexamine with dopam
ine in the treatment of low cardiac output syndrome after cardiac surg
ery. Design: This was a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, paralle
l-group study conducted in intensive care units at centres in Holland
and Belgium. Patients were randomised to receive dopexamine (up to 2.0
mu g/kg per min) or dopamine (up to 6.0 mu g/kg per min) for 6 h afte
r low cardiac output syndrome was confirmed, Results: 70 patients were
enrolled (35/group) and there was no significant difference in the op
erative procedures or haemodynamics at entry into the study Clinical e
fficacy, defined as a cardiac index > 2.5 l/min per m(2) with urine pr
oduction > 0.5 ml/kg per h and stable haemodynamics for two consecutiv
e readings 1 h apart, was achieved by 90 and 57 % of patients in the d
opexamine and dopamine groups, respectively. However, more patients ma
intained clinical efficacy over the 6-h period in the dopexamine group
, which was statistically significant at 1-2 h and approached signific
ance at all other time points. Safety was assessed by comparing the ad
verse events and concomitant medication. Fewer patients on dopexamine
had cardiac events compared with dopamine-treated patients (25 vs 38 e
vents), although there was no differencee in the pattern of rhythm dis
turbance. Fewer patients in the dopexamine group required concomitant
vasodilating drugs (18 vs 30). Conclusion: Taking the proportion of pa
tients achieving clinical efficacy, the time to achieve it and the mai
ntenance of it along with the adverse event profile, dopexamine was sh
own to be an effective and safe drug to use in the management of low c
ardiac output syndrome after coronary artery bypass graft surgery and
may be superior to dopamine.