A. Mistlberger et al., ANTERIOR-CHAMBER CONTAMINATION DURING CATARACT-SURGERY WITH INTRAOCULAR-LENS IMPLANTATION, Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 23(7), 1997, pp. 1064-1069
Purpose: To measure anterior chamber bacterial and fungal contaminatio
n at the beginning and end of cataract surgery with intraocular lens (
IOL) implantation in a large series of patients and to determine the i
nfluence of preoperative treatment and operative technique on contamin
ation. Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, County Hospital of Salzbu
rg, Austria. Methods: This prospective study comprised 700 consecutive
patients having planned cataract extraction (511 phacoemulsification,
189 extracapsular cataract extraction [ECCE]). Thirty-four patients r
equired an anterior vitrectomy; 8 myopic patients did not receive an I
OL. A preoperative smear and two intraoperative (at the beginning and
end of surgery) anterior chamber aspirates were obtained from each pat
ient. Postoperative smears were obtained at discharge. Three preoperat
ive treatments were evaluated: no lacrimal system irrigation, no topic
al antibiotic (n = 282); lacrimal system irrigation with balanced sali
ne solution, no topical antibiotic (n = 243); lacrimal system irrigati
on, antibiotic (neomycin) eyedrops (n = 175). All patients received to
pical indomethacin twice a day preoperatively. Results: Preoperative c
onjunctival smears showed bacterial growth in 76.6% of eyes, with coag
ulase-negative staphylococci (75%) the most common bacteria. Anterior
chamber aspirates were culture positive in 14.1% at the beginning and
in 13.7% at the end of surgery, with coagulase-negative staphylococci
and corynebacteria the most common. Contamination rates of conjunctiva
l smears taken at discharge were significantly lower (35%) than those
taken preoperatively. There was no statistically significantly higher
risk of anterior chamber contamination in eyes having ECCE than in tho
se having phacoemulsification. Preoperative treatment did not statisti
cally significantly influence intraoperative aqueous humor contaminati
on rates. There were no cases of acute postoperative endophthalmitis.
Conclusion: Bacteria entered the anterior chamber during cataract extr
action and remained there at the end of surgery in a significant perce
ntage of patients. Surgical technique, preoperative antibiotics, and p
reoperative lacrimal system irrigation had no statistically significan
t effect on contamination.