Clinically adapted procedures: Surgery for Parkinson's disease has pro
gressed greatly over the last few years. Resting tremor can be well co
ntrolled with chronic stimulation of the thalamus. Palliodotomy or chr
onic stiumlation of the pallidium are effective against dopa-induced d
yskinesia. Current experimentatins involve chronic simulation of the s
ub-thalamic locus or intrastriatal grafts using dopaminergic neurons a
nd have proven remarkably effective in cases with akinesia. Second lin
e therapy: Careful clinical management required before any of these pr
ocedures can be entertained. Possible candidates include patients who
are resistant or who no longer respond to well-conducted medical treat
ment. In addition, surgery tan only be indicated after a long-duration
dopatherapy with at a minimum dose of 1000 mg/day.