The dynamics of the spin-boson Hamiltonian is considered in the stocha
stic approximation. The Hamiltonian describes a two-level system coupl
ed to an environment, and is widely used in physics, chemistry, and th
e theory of quantum measurement. We demonstrate that the method of sto
chastic approximation, a general method for consideration of dynamics
of an arbitrary system interacting with environment, is powerful enoug
h to reproduce qualitatively the striking results by Leggett et nl. [R
ev. Mod. Phys. 59, 1 (1987)] found earlier for this model system. The
results include an exact expression of the dynamics in terms of the sp
ectral density, and show the appearance of two interesting regimes for
the system, i.e., pure oscillating and pure damping ones. Correlators
describing the environment are also computed.