Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia requiring tr
eatment. Limitations of medical treatment have prompted development of
nonpharmacologic therapies for this arrhythmia, These are aimed at ve
ntricular rate control during atrial fibrillation, termination of the
arrhythmia, and/or prevention of recurrences. Ventricular rate control
can be achieved with transcatheter ablation or modification of the at
rioventricular node. The MAZE operation is effective in preventing arr
hythmia recurrence, but because it requires cardiac surgery, its appea
l is limited. Development of the technique for direct transcatheter ab
lation of atrial fibrillation is eagerly anticipated and may represent
the standard curative treatment of the future. In appropriately selec
ted patients, implantable device therapy may play an important role in
the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.