Based on reports of increased platelet serotonin in 30 to 50% of autis
tic subjects, abnormal serotonergic neurotransmission may be important
in the pathogenesis of autism. However, serotonin metabolite measurem
ents in cerebrospinal fluid of autistic subjects have failed to demons
trate consistent abnormalities. Using alpha-[C-11]methyl-L-tryptophan
as a tracer for serotonin synthesis with positron emission tomography,
we now report unilateral alterations of serotonin synthesis in the de
ntatothalamocortical pathway in autistic boys. Asymmetries of serotoni
n synthesis were found in frontal cortex, thalamus, and dentate nucleu
s of the cerebellum in all 7 boys, but not in the 1 autistic girl stud
ied Decreased serotonin synthesis was found in the left frontal cortex
and thalamus in 5 of the 7 boys and in the right frontal cortex and t
halamus in the 2 remaining autistic boys. In all 7 cases, elevated ser
otonin synthesis in the contralateral dentate nucleus was observed. St
atistically significant differences between autistic boys and their no
nautistic siblings (n = 5) were obtained when comparing asymmetry indi
ces for frontal cortex, thalamus, and dentate nucleus combined as well
as individually for frontal cortex and thalamus. These serotonergic a
bnormalities in a brain pathway, important for language production and
sensory integration, may represent one mechanism underlying the patho
physiology of autism.