Early recognition of recurrence and work-up of clinically indeterminat
e lesions may be impaired after reconstruction with silicone implants
due to superimposition of the implant or to scarring. This study was u
ndertaken to evaluate the use of contrast-enhanced MRI in patients wit
h silicone implant after breast cancer. Contrast-enhanded MRI was offe
red to 169 patients. Comparative two-to-three-view mammography was als
o performed in 169 patients, as well as comparative sonography in 144
patients. Conventional imaging and clinical examination detected only
8/13 recurrences, whereas 12/13 were detected by MRI. One recurrence h
ad been visible as a strongly enhancing 2-mm dot in a previous examina
tion (2 years before), but was not called. It was therefore counted as
false negative. In addition, multicentricity was detected by MRI alon
e in two of three cases. MRI correctly diagnosed scar tissue in all ca
ses with indeterminate findings. However, due to false-positive calls
caused by enhancing granulomas specificity could not be improved. Cont
rast-enhanded MRI allowed decisive additional information in our study
group and improved the sensitivity significantly (concerning all diag
noses). Contrast-enhanded MRI is recommended in patients with diagnost
ic problems or high risk of recurrence after silicone implants.