We report enhanced emission and gain narrowing in Rhodamine 590 perchl
orate dye in an aqueous suspension of polystyrene microspheres. A syst
ematic experimental study of the threshold condition for and the gain
narrowing of the stimulated emission over a wide range of dye concentr
ations and scatterer number densities showed several interesting featu
res, even though the transport mean free path far exceeded the system
size. The conventional diffusive-reactive approximation to radiative t
ransfer in an inhomogeneously illuminated random amplifying medium, wh
ich is valid for a transport mean-free path much smaller than the syst
em size, is clearly inapplicable here. We propose a new probabilistic
approach for the present case of dense, random, weak scatterers involv
ing the otherwise rare and ignorable sub-mean-free-path scatterings, n
ow made effective by the high gain in the medium, which is consistent:
with experimentally observed features. (C) 1997 Optical Society of Am