The replacement of staurolite-biotite-quartz schists by andalusite-cor
dierite-biotite-quartz metasomatized schists possibly involved the pro
gressive enrichment of ore-forming components during successive evolut
ionary stages of the Svecofennian Mobile Belt. The contents of rare al
kalis progressively increase in the following sequence from the parent
al to metasomatic rocks: sand-clay sediments (sand --> clay) --> staur
olite-biotite-quartz schists --> andalusite-cordierite-biotite-quartz
metasomatized schists (in ppm). Li (8 --> 28) --> 42 --> 164 (by a fac
tor of approximately 6); Rb (77 --> 115) --> 144 --> 182 (by a factor
of approximately 1.6); Cs (1.5 --> 5) --> 10 --> 20 (or 27) (by a fact
or of approximately 4-5.4). These data suggest that rare alkalis could
be gradually accumulated during successive stages of sedimentation, m
etamorphism, and accompanying metasomatism of the Svecofennian sequenc