Fura - 2 was used to monitor Re3+ ion trans - membrane behavior. The c
haracterization of Re3+ - fura - 2 interactions in solutions simulatin
g intracellular ionic composition shows that La3+ and Y3+ form 1:1 RE3
+ - fura - 2 complexes. As expected, binding of cations devoid of unpa
ired electrons (La3+ and Y3+) to fura - 2 is associated with enhanced
fluorescence, whereas for cations with unpaired f electrons (Ce3+, Nd3
+, Sm3+, Gd3+, Eu3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Yb3+) binding to fura - 2 is associat
ed with decreased fluorescence. These phenomena were used to measure t
he intracellular free RE3+ ions. Mouse myeloma (SP2/0) cells were empl
oyed as model cells and exposed to free RE3+ ions or free RE3+ ions wi
th some small molecules. The results support the assumption that RE3ions can not enter the cytoplasm of living cells and the experimental
small molecules are incapable to improve the permeability of RE3+ ions