Through gene-targeting, we have established human colon cancer cell li
nes, HK2-6 and HKe-3, with and without activated Ki-ras, respectively,
derived from a human colon cancer cell line HCT116, and we have repor
ted that activated Ki-ras is involved in the deregulation of c-myc exp
ression. To further examine the relation between Ki-ras-mediated signa
ls and other immediate early genes, c-jun was analyzed on these cells
stimulated by serum. Rapid and strong induction of c-jun was observed
in HKe-3, but not in HCT116 or HK2-6. To elucidate the regulatory mech
anisms of c-jun expression by Ki-ras, protein kinase C (PKC) and c-Raf
were examined at serum-starved and serum-stimulated conditions. Phosp
horylations of c-Raf were same among these cells, however, the cytosol
ic PKC activity in HKe-3 was two times higher than that in HCT116 on s
erum-starved and serum-stimulated conditions. These results suggested
that serum responsiveness of c-jun may be suppressed by activated Ki-r
as through PKC rather than c-Raf pathway in colon cancer cells.