The three Barnett-Lothe tensors H, L, S appear often in the Stroth for
malism of two-dimensional deformations of anisotropic elastic material
s [1-3]. They also appear in certain three-dimensional problems [4, 5]
The algebraic representation of H, L, S requires computation of the e
igenvalues p(upsilon)(upsilon 1, 2, 3) and the normalized eigenvectors
(a,b). The integral representation of H, L, S circumvents the need fo
r computing p(upsilon)(upsilon 1, 2, 3) and (a, b), but it is not simp
le to integrate the integrals except for special materials. Ting and L
ee [6] have recently obtained an explicit expression of H for general
anisotropic materials. We present here the remaining tensors L, S usin
g the algebraic representation. The key to our success is the obtainin
g of the normalization factor for (a, b) in a simple form. The derivat
ion of L and S then makes use of (a, b) but the final result does not
require computation of (a, b), which makes the result attractive to nu
merical computation. Even though the tensor H given in [6] is in terms
of the elastic stiffnesses C-mu upsilon while the tensors L, S presen
ted here are in terms of the reduced elastic compliances s(mu upsilon)
' the structure of L, S is similar to that of H. Following the derivat
ion of H, we also present alternate expressions of L, S that remain va
lid for the degenerate cases p(1) = p(2) and p(1) = p(2) = p(3). One m
ay want to compute H, L, S using either C-mu upsilon or s(mu upsilon)'
, but not both. We show how an expression in C-mu upsilon can be conve
rted to an expression in s(mu upsilon)', and vice versa. As an applica
tion of the conversion, we present explicit expressions of the sextic
equation for p in C-mu upsilon and s(mu upsilon)'.