One approach to discriminate among specific DNases in apoptosis is to
use inhibitors specific for each endonuclease. Zn2+ is known to inhibi
t Ca2+ and Mg2+-dependent endonuclease enzymatic activities during apo
ptosis. Acidic DNases were thought to be insensitive to Zn2+. In this
paper, we analyse the effects of Zn2+ on activity of DNase II, either
purified or in nuclei from lens fiber cells. These cells follow a phys
iological nuclear degeneration with DNase II accumulation in their nuc
lei. We show that Zn2+ is able to inhibit also this acidic endonucleas
e at a concentration of 1-6 mM. At a higher concentration of Zn2+, DNA
is extensively degraded during the assay, masking the inhibition of t
he enzyme. This DNA degradation in the presence of Zn2+ has led to an
overestimation of the activity of DNase II in studies of apoptosis. He
nce, Zn2+ cannot be used to specifically identify one endonuclease amo
ng the different DNases involved in nuclear degradation during program
med cell death.