Background and aims-Visceral hyperalgesia has been implicated as a fac
tor contributing to symptom generation in irritable bowel syndrome (IB
S). However, previous studies using intestinal balloon distension have
used psychophysical procedures which do not provide adequate and unbi
ased measures of visceral sensitivity. Methods-Three psychophysical ta
sks were examined in 45 patients with IBS (positive Rome criteria) and
14 controls using rectal balloon distension with a computerised diste
nsion device. Discomfort threshold and tolerance were assessed during
an ascending series of phasic pressure stimuli and during an interacti
ve threshold tracking procedure. In addition, stimulus response functi
ons were generated from intensity and unpleasantness ratings of the re
ctal distensions.Results-Discomfort threshold and tolerance for the as
cending stimuli were significantly lower for the patients with IBS com
pared with the controls. In contrast, discomfort thresholds during the
tracking procedure and stimulus response curves for the ascending ser
ies were not different between the groups. A factor analysis of the ps
ychophysical data was consistent with the presence of two distinct and
unrelated perceptual alterations related to rectal distension: hyperv
igilance for visceral stimuli, manifested as lowered response criteria
for using the descriptor ''discomfort''; and rectal hypersensitivity,
manifested as a lower discomfort threshold and left shift of the stim
ulus response curves. Conclusions-Patients with IBS as a group have a
greater propensity to label visceral sensations negatively and show a
lower tolerance for rectal balloon distension. A subgroup of patients
also have baseline rectal hypersensitivity, assessed by unbiased measu
res of discomfort threshold and stimulus intensity judgements.