We investigated the intrinsic cardiac mechanics of myocardium and chan
ges in titin in insulin-resistant rats. Microsonometry and micromanome
try were used to evaluate the maximal elastance (Emax) and myocardial
stiffness constant (Km) of the left ventricle, in addition to the trad
itional systolic and diastolic cardiac function, with an isolated work
ing heart preparation. Thirty 150 g Wistar rats were divided into thre
e groups of 10. Group A was fed rat chow, while groups B and C were fe
d a 66% fructose diet for 7-8 months. Group C also received clonidine.
Group B rats developed insulin resistance, as well as elevated plasma
glucose and blood pressure. Group C rats also had insulin resistance
and elevated plasma glucose, but not higher blood pressure. Group B ra
ts had decreased Emax, decreased peak-dp/dt, prolonged Tau and increas
ed Km compared to normal control rats. Group C rats, which mimicked th
e clinical condition of diabetic cardiomyopathy, maintained normal glo
bal left ventricular function as revealed by cardiac output, peak + dp
/dt, peak - dp/dt and Tau of relaxation. However, they had a lower Ema
x slope (355 +/- 51 vs 535 +/- 56 mmHg . mm than group A rats, p < 0.0
5) and increased Km (81.6 +/- 9.9 vs 25.5 +/- 4.8 in group A, p < 0.00
1), even though the extent of elevation of plasma glucose was only mil
d (71.3 +/- 2.0 to 108.9 +/- 4.4 mg/dl, p < 0.001). Their left ventric
ular mass, myocyte size, interstitial fibrosis and vascular picture di
d not change. However, the content of myocardial titin decreased signi
ficantly (intensity ratio of titin/actin was 0.23 +/- 0.01 and 0.29 +/
- 0.02 in group C and group A rats respectively, p < 0.05). These find
ings suggest that changes in titin play a role in the change in myocar
dial functional characteristics and may be one of the causes of diabet
ic cardiomyopathy.