The Information Highway Advisory Council (IHAC), a committee represent
ing commercial and non-commercial interests, was struck by Industry Ca
nada in 1994 to provide policy advice on advanced communications infra
structure and services, Public interest groups, that is non-profit adv
ocacy organizations not directly tied to any business or industrial in
terests, also tried to provide input into and responses to the work of
the IHAC. The formation and activities of the Coalition for Public In
formation and the Alliance for a Connected Canada, are representative
of public interest activities in Canada, The nature and extent of part
icipation of these groups in the work of IHAC can be seen as a gauge o
f the receptivity of the government to questions and issues that were
not on its agenda, and of the declining legitimacy of the institutions
of telecommunications governance in Canada. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science