We studied the effect of cytoreductive chemotherapy in head and neck c
ancer and analyzed it in terms of efficacy, remission rates, and durat
ion, as well effect on survival. Single-agent chemotherapy, which form
erly was used as a palliative therapy in recurrent and metastatic dise
ase, had little affect on survival. More recently, multi-agent chemoth
erapy trials have shown significantly higher response rates, but this
success has not translated into an added survival benefit. These findi
ngs led to the introduction of multi-agent chemotherapy into the induc
tion (neoadjuvant) clinical setting. In these clinical circumstances,
better objective response rates were found, particularly in the previo
usly untreated pat;ent. Although this therapy has resulted in better c
ontrol of local disease, the impact on survival is not yet clear. Adju
vant chemotherapy is most useful in patients who have a high risk of r
elapse. Therapy appears to decrease its incidence. particularly at dis
tant sites. Finally, chemoradiation trials have shown that this treatm
ent provides a survival advantage. but at the cost of a significant in
crease in toxicity.