We describe our experience with the transseptal approach for mitral va
lve replacement, a technique that we applied especially in cases of 3r
d and 4th operations wherein numerous adhesions made the usual left at
rial approach difficult. We report 39 cases of mitral procedures in wh
ich we used 3 slightly different transseptal approaches, depending on
the cardiac anatomy and the preferences of the surgeon. There were no
complications associated with any of these approaches. Indeed they mad
e the mitral valve procedure easier, because they enabled full exposur
e of the mitral valvular and subvalvular apparatus. We also propose th
e transseptal approach as a very safe and reproducible technique for u
se in patients with friable tissues, heavily calcified mitral valves,
or small left atria-and in patients who must undergo combined tricuspi
d and mitral procedures. In this series, there were no conduction abno
rmalities secondary to the approach, nor were there any procedure-rela
ted deaths.