An 81-year-old woman reported with chest pain occurring shortly after
initiating treatment with sertraline. She had no prior history of card
iovascular disease. She developed nausea and malaise 4 h after her fir
st dose, which resulted in avoidance of further treatment. After volun
tarily reinitiating sertraline 10 days later, she again developed naus
ea and malaise but persisted with treatment. On the second day, her ga
strointestinal symptoms were accompanied by crushing retrosternal ches
t pain radiating to both arms and resolving spontaneously after 10 min
s. Following the third dose of sertraline, the patient experienced sev
ere and persistent crushing retrosternal chest pain radiating to both
arms. She was hospitalized with a diagnosis of unstable angina and tre
ated with acetylsalicylic acid, intravenous heparin and nitroglycerin.
The temporal relationship of chest pain onset following ingestion of
sertraline is strongly suggestive of an adverse medication effect.