VP6 protein from chicken rotavirus Ch-1 showed more than 13% amino aci
d differences in comparison with pigeon and turkey VP6 sequences, This
difference is greater than that observed between subgroup I and II ma
mmalian rotavirus VP6 sequences. Phylogenetic tree analysis demonstrat
ed that RV Ch-1 VP6 is not a link between avian and mammalian VP6 sequ
ences. RV Ch-1 showed variant aa in 17 positions which were otherwise
absolutely conserved in mammalian and avian group A RVs. The 17 replac
ements were scattered through the entire VP6 sequence except the C-ter
minal part implicated in the assembly of subviral particles, In RV Ch-
1 the proline residue 309, reported to be critical for the trimerizati
on of VP6, was replaced by leucine, but VP6 trimers were still observe
d. The sequence and hydrophilicity analysis of avian RV VP6 do not exp
lain the anomalous electrophoretic migration behavior of avian VP6 pro