The ability of human infants less than or equal to 4 months of age to
pursue objects smoothly with their eyes was assessed by presenting sma
ll target spots moving with hold-ramp-hold trajectories at ramp veloci
ties of 4-32 deg/sec, Infants as young as 1 month old followed such ta
rget motions with a combination of smooth-pursuit and saccadic eye mov
ements interrupted occasionally by periods when the eyes remained stat
ionary. The slowest targets produced variable performance, but targets
moving 8-32 deg/sec produced consistent pursuit behavior, even in the
youngest infants, By the fourth month, eye-movement latency decreased
and smooth-pursuit gain and the percentage of smooth pursuit per tria
l increased for all target velocities, though these measures had not y
et reached adult levels, (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.