We have addressed the role of the head of caudate nucleus in tasks of
lexical decision, semantic categorization, reading aloud, memory retri
eval and object naming by recording neuronal activity from depth elect
rodes in parkinsonism patients. The firing rate of cells was increased
within 400-600 ms when semantic processing was required, Phonological
differences increased firing from 1000 to 1200 ms. These responses we
re similar to those described earlier in Broca's area. Both reading al
oud and explicit memory retrieval tasks elicited an inhibition in firi
ng of the same cells with an onset around 800 ms. The results confirm
earlier lesion and stimulation studies, and provide a basis for relati
ng cellular activity to studies of blood flow and scalp electrical act
ivity in similar cognitive tasks thus helping us to understand the cel
lular mechanisms involved in human cognition. (C) 1997 Elsevier Scienc
e Ireland Ltd.