Our main purpose here is to demonstrate the potential of a new approac
h which is an important expansion of the feedback concept: we have cho
sen what seemed a natural way of tackling some traditional problems of
the control theory and of comparing the results against those offered
by conventional methods. The main problem considered is the output st
abilization for uncertain plants. Using structural transformations, un
certain systems can change to the form convenient for output feedback
design. Synthesis of observer-based control for asymptotical stabiliza
tion or uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system is prov
ided. We consider the notions of asymptotic and exponential invariance
of a control system implies its suboptimality. A method is described
for stabilization of uncertain discrete-time plants of which only comp
act sets are known to which plants parameters and exogenous signals be
long. New approaches for solving some central problems of mathematical
control theory are considered for nonlinear dynamical systems. New cr
iterious of local and global controllability and stabilizability are i
ndicated and some synthesis procedures are suggested.