A mode-locked Cr4+:YAG laser was simulated using a complex Landau-Ginz
burg equation. The pulse widths and spectrum were determined as a func
tion of laser tuning over a range from 1470 nm to 1550 nm. Simulations
exhibit the same trend as the experimental data and the magnitudes ar
e in reasonable agreement, as well. We are able to analytically estima
te the pulse width, which is controlled by the cavity dispersion and t
he pulse energy. We find that the absorber saturation is responsible f
or determining the pulse energies. The experimentally observed pulse w
idths widen for long wavelengths; our simulations attribute this to di
spersion and to a wavelength-dependent reduction of the saturable abso
rber modulation combined with the effect of gain saturation. (C) 1997
Published by Elsevier Science B.V.