Purpose The aim of our study was to evaluate a new fluorocarbon (Teflo
n AF), used as a coating of polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lenses.
Teflon AF can be dissolved in special solvents (liquid fluorocarbons)
. It is the first amorphous and transparent form of teflon. Materials
and methods The coating was performed and the surface quality of the t
eflon-coated lenses was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Twe
nty teflon-coated and 10 uncoated lenses were implanted in rabbit eyes
after phacoemulsification. They were compared concerning the presence
of iris-lens synechias and the number of deposits on the lens' surfac
es. An in vitro static touch model was used to compare endothelial dam
age produced by the 2 kinds of intraocular lenses. The results from th
is model were quantitatively analyzed, using the BIOCOM 200 image-proc
essing system. Results The teflon group had no iris-lens synechias and
the control group had 2 extensive synechias. There were significantly
fewer deposits on the surfaces of teflon-coated lenses on days 30 and
60 post-operatively (P < 0.0001) than on the control lenses. Teflon-c
oated lenses produced significantly less endothelial damage than did c
ontrol lenses (P < 0.0001). Conclusions Teflon AF presents an anti-adh
esive effect that increases the biocompatibility of polymethylmethacry
late lenses and reduces endothelial damage during their intraocular in