To study the maternal lineage and evolution of polyploid species of wh
eat, variation in mitochondrial DNA was investigated in Triticum and A
egilops by PCR-aided RFLP analysis. A 1.3 kb region containing the int
ron of coxII was studied using 20 accessions from five species of Sito
psis section of Aegilops, one species of Einkorn wheat, four species o
f tetraploid wheat, and one species of common wheat. Only three restri
ction site changes and a single deletion/insertion were found among 88
4 restriction fragments surveyed. This fact suggests the highly conser
ved nature of this region within Triticum and Aegilops. Four haplo-typ
es were recognized in coxII intron. A parsimonious relationship indica
ted that three haplo-types were independently derived from one prototy
pe which was found in wild Einkorn and Aegilops species except for Ae.
speltoides. All but one accession of Ae. speltoides possessed a deriv
ative haplo-type, common in Timopheevi wheal. The result supported the
hypothesis that Ae. speltoides donated the G genome to Timopheevi whe
at; however did not agree with that Ae. speltoides was the B genome do
nor to the Emmer and common wheat.