As part of a larger effort by members of the American Evaluation Assoc
iation (AEA) Topical Interest Group on Evaluation Use (TIG-EU), we und
ertook an extensive review and synthesis of literature in evaluation u
se published since 1986. We observe several recent developments in the
ory, research and practice arising from this literature. These develop
ments include: the rise of considerations of context as critical to un
derstanding and explaining use; identification of process use as a sig
nificant consequence of evaluation activity; expansion of conceptions
of use from the individual to the organization level; and diversificat
ion of the role of the evaluator to facilitator, planner and educator/
trainer. In addition, understanding misutlitization has emerged as a s
ignificant focus for theory and to a limited extent, research. The art
icle concludes with a summary of contemporary issues, particularly wit
h regard to their implications for evaluation practice.