Ten Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and with
persistent respiratory symptoms were evaluated with high resolution co
mputed tomography (HRCT), chest radiographs and lung function tests, F
ourteen of 15 HRCT scans performed were abnormal, The predominant dise
ase pattern, seen in 60% of patients, was one of chronic interstitial
lung disease with honeycombing, architectural distortion, parenchymal
bands, pleural irregularity, and a lower zone predominance, Three of 1
0 patients had histological evidence of either lung fibrosis or inters
titial pneumonitis, Airways disease and pleural thickening were seen i
n 20% and 87% of scans, respectively, Pleural thickening and honeycomb
ing were present in 53% and 20% of chest radiographs, respectively, Al
l concurrent lung function tests were abnormal, Reduced diffusion capa
city of carbon monoxide (DLCO/VA) was observed in 60% of lung function
tests, There was no correlation between duration of disease and DLCO/
VA, However, pathological reduction of DLCO/VA was seen in 71% of pati
ents with honeycombing, and 88% of patients with ground glass opacity,
Our study has documented a high incidence of HRCT features of chronic
lung destruction and a Ion er zone predominance in SLE patients with
persistent respiratory symptoms.