Numerous neuro-and molecularbiological studies point at several neurot
ransmitters to be involved in the development of alcohol dependence, r
elapse and craving including the opiate/endorphine and the mesolimbic
dopamine system, excitatory amino acids (glutamate) and serotonin. Whi
le recent studies with dopaminergic drugs with the possible exception
of tiapride and flupentixol have shown little encouraging results some
placebo-controlled trials point at opiate antagonists such as naltrex
one and nalmefene to be effective in relapse prevention of alcoholism.
Most studies including over 4000 patients have been conducted with th
e glutamate-modulator acamprosate who was found to be effective in all
but one studies. Despite numerous studies which point at a dysfunctio
n in serotonergic neurotransmission in alcoholics recent placebo-contr
olled double-blind trials with serotonine-reuptake-inhibitors and the
5-HT-antagonist ritanserin have shown disappointing results. Maybe onl
y a subgroup of alcoholics will respond to treatment with serotonergic