Two-dimensional clusters of particles, repelling due to dipole-dipole
interactions and confined by an external parabolic potential, are cons
idered. The model describes different physical systems, particularly e
lectrons in semiconductor structures, or electrons above a drop of He
near a metal electrode, a drop of colloid liquid etc. Two kinds of ord
ering are in competition in the clusters: a triangular lattice and a s
hell structure. The ground-state configurations corresponding to the l
ocal and global minima of the potential energy for clusters with N = 1
- 40 ''particles'' are calculated. The structure, the potential energ
y and the radial and angular r.m.s. displacements as functions of temp
erature are also calculated. Analysing these quantities the melting of
clusters is studied. One-or two-stage melting occurs depending on the
number of particles in the cluster. in the case of clusters consistin
g of two shells melting has two stages: at lower temperature reorienta
tion of neighbouring shells (''orientational melting'') arises; at muc
h higher temperatures the radial shell order disappears. In clusters c
onsisting of more than two shells total melting occurs as a first-orde
r one-stage transition (analogously to a dipole crystal). This is conn
ected with the barrier of rotation being less than the barrier of inte
rchange of particles between shells for small microclusters while the
barriers are of equal order for clusters with a greater number of part
icles. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.