Axonal pathways, projection levels, conduction velocities, and locatio
ns of the cell bodies of saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neur
ons were studied in decerebrated cats and anesthetized cats, using a c
ollision test of orthodromic and antidromic spikes. The saccular nerve
was selectively stimulated by bipolar tungsten electrodes. Three mono
polar electrodes were inserted into the left and right lateral vestibu
lospinal tract (LVST) and medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST) of the C
1 segment, to determine the pathway of axons. Three pairs of similar e
lectrodes were positioned bilaterally in the C3-4, T1, and L3 segments
to examine projection levels. Another monopolar electrode was placed
in the oculomotor nucleus to determine whether saccular nerve-activate
d vestibulospinal neurons have branches ascending to the oculomotor nu
cleus. Of 145 vestibular neurons orthodromically activated by stimulat
ion of the saccular nerve, 46 were activated from the C1 segment antid
romically. Forty-three were second-order vestibulospinal neurons and 3
were third-order vestibulospinal neurons. Four saccular nerve-activat
ed vestibulospinal neurons were also antidromically activated from the
oculomotor nucleus. Sixty-three per cent of the saccular nerve-activa
ted vestibulospinal neurons descended through the MVST, one-third of t
hese terminated in the upper cervical segments, one-third reached the
lower cervical segments and the remaining one-third reached the upper
thoracic segments. Thirty percent of the saccular nerve-activated vest
ibulospinal neurons descended through the ipsilateral LVST; most of th
ese reached the upper thoracic segments. Seven percent of the saccular
nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the contral
ateral vestibulospinal tracts terminating in the upper cervical segmen
ts. Most of the saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons origi
nated in the caudal part of the lateral nucleus and rostral part of th
e descending nucleus.