P. Bose et G. Toussaint, CHARACTERIZING AND EFFICIENTLY COMPUTING QUADRANGULATIONS OF PLANAR POINT SETS, Computer aided geometric design, 14(8), 1997, pp. 763-785
Given a set S of n points in the plane, a quadrangulation of S is a pl
anar subdivision whose vertices are the points of S, whose outer face
is the convex hull of S, and every face of the subdivision (except pos
sibly the outer face) is a quadrilateral. We show that S admits a quad
rangulation if and only if S does not have an odd number of extreme po
ints. If S admits a quadrangulation, we present an algorithm that comp
utes a quadrangulation of S in O(n log n) time even in the presence of
collinear points. If S does not admit a quadrangulation, then our alg
orithm can quadrangulate S with the addition of one extra point, which
is optimal. We also provide an Omega(n log n) time lower bound for th
e problem. Our results imply that a k-angulation of a set of points ca
n be achieved with the addition of at most k - 3 extra points within t
he same time bound. Finally, we present an experimental comparison bet
ween three quadrangulation algorithms which shows that the Spiraling R
otating Calipers (SRC) algorithm produces quadrangulations with the gr
eatest number of convex quadrilaterals as well as those with the small
est difference between the average minimum and maximum angle over all
quadrangles. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.