A new method, conductance scanning, allows determination of local para
-and transcellular conductivities in flat epithelia. Experiments were
performed on kidney distal tubule cells, MDCK clone C11, which form mo
nolayers on permeable supports. Above the apical surface, local voltag
e drops generated by a sinusoidal current clamp were recorded by means
of a scanning microelectrode. Data were collected above cell centres
and tight junctions The scanning Signal was always significantly highe
r above the tight junctions, but was uniformly distributed along the j
unctions. For determination of conductivities two procedures were appl
ied. Method 1: the supraepithelial potential distribution was computed
for given trans-and paracellular currents at all positions of the ele
ctrode. In a fit algorithm, the currents were varied until the calcula
ted potential difference equalled the voltage measured. Method 2: afte
r collecting scanning data in control Ringer's, intercellular space wi
dth was reduced by mucosal addition of 40 mM sucrose and a second set
of data was obtained at decreased paracellular, but presumably unchang
ed transcellular, conductivity. From these data, trans-and paracellula
r conductivities were calculated. Results of both methods were in exce
llent agreement. Confluent MDCK-C11 monolayers exhibited a transepithe
lial conductivity of 13 mS/cm(2). The transcellular pathway contribute
d 2.6 mS/cm(2) (20%) and the paracellular pathway 10.5 mS/cm(2) (80%)
to the total conductivity. Collapse of the lateral intercellular space
s decreased the paracellular conductivity to 4 mS/cm(2) (60%). Conflue
nt MDCK-C11 monolayers constitute true ''leaky'' epithelia with homoge
neously distributed trans-and paracellular conductivities. In conclusi
on, conductance scanning fills a methodical gap, which hitherto impede
d the functional characterzation of tight junctions.