This paper presents a mechanism to explain the observed formation of a
surface temperature minimum at tidal fronts in shelf seas. Tidal fron
ts mark the boundary between water which is kept vertically mixed by f
ast tidal currents and water which stratifies in summer. The fronts ar
e associated with strong horizontal surface gradients of several water
properties, including temperature. In the early studies of tidal fron
ts, a minimum in surface temperature was occasionally observed between
the cool surface waters on the mixed side of the front and the warm s
urface waters on the stratified side. It was suggested that this was c
aused by upwelling of deep water at the front. In this paper we descri
be an alternative and simpler explanation based on the local balance o
f heating and stirring. The net heat flux into the sea in spring and e
arly summer is greater on the mixed side of the front than on the stra
tified side. This happens because the heat loss mechanism is dependent
on sea surface temperature and stratified waters, having a higher sur
face temperature, lose more heat. The stratified water near the front
therefore has lower heat content (and lower depth-mean temperature) th
an the mixed water. If some of the stratified water becomes mixed, for
example with increased tidal stirring at spring tides, a zone of mini
mum surface temperature will be formed at the front. A numerical model
for the study of this mechanism shows that the temperature minimum at
tidal fronts can be explained by the process described above. The min
imum appears most clearly at spring tides, but can still be present in
a weaker form at neap tides. A further prediction of the model is an
increase of the horizontal temperature gradient at spring tides, which
is in agreement with observations. an unexpected outcome of the model
ling is the prediction of the formation of a marked sea surface temper
ature minimum, not yet observed, occurring in the autumn and located a
t the summer position of the tidal front.