The reproducibility of quantitative gait analysis measurements is an i
mportant consideration when analyzing data of both normal subjects and
patients. Waveform similarity statistics were used to assess the repr
oducibility of lower extremity kinematic and kinetic data collected on
5 normal adult subjects. For each subject, gait evaluations were done
on 3 separate test days with 3 trials collected each day. Pelvis angl
es were fairly repeatable, however, with notably poor reproducibility
in sagittal plane tilt. Re-application errors of the sacral wand coupl
ed with a small range of motion are believed to be the principle contr
ibutors to variability in this pelvis angle. The sagittal plane angles
for the hip, knee, and ankle demonstrated excellent repeatability wit
hin test days and between test days. Frontal and transverse plane angl
es were fairly repeatable within test days but between-day repeatabili
ty was considerably lower. The 'downstream' errors accompanying Euler
angle calculations coupled with the smaller ranges of motion in the no
n-sagittal plane angles are suggested to contribute to the ambient var
iability already in these data and, thus, affect the within-day repeat
ability. Errors in re-application of midthigh and midcalf wands furthe
r contribute to the variability of these data between test days. Net r
esultant joint forces and moments were repeatable overall with slightl
y lower between-day statistical values. The exception to this observat
ion was the adduction moment of the ankle which was notably variable b
etween test days. Several explanations for this variability are presen
ted. Results of this study have led to modifications in some marker pl
acement procedures and reinforced the need for others already being us
ed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.