Ak. Temocin et al., A CASE OF AMBIGUOUS GENITALIA WITH UNILATERAL AMELIA AND UNILATERAL PEROMELIA OF THE UPPER LIMBS, Acta Paediatrica Japonica Overseas Edition, 39(5), 1997, pp. 631-633
A 7-year-old patient is reported with a 46,XY karyotype, ambiguous gen
italia and unilateral amelia and unilateral peromelia of the upper Lim
bs. The external genitalia had essentially a female configuration with
labia majora, large clitoris, and narrow vaginal opening. Gonadal tis
sue was not palpable on either side. The levels of 17-OH progesterone
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), androstenedione and luteinizi
ng hormone (LH) were normal, but the level of follicle stimulating hor
mone (FSH) was elevated minimally. Abdominal ultrasonography (USG) was
normal. On pelvic USG, neither uterus nor ovaries were seen. Genitogr
aphy showed a blind vagina. Gonads, Mullerian and/or Wolffian structur
es were not observed at laparotomy. Clitoral recession and cut-back va
ginoplasty were performed. The occurrence of these findings suggests e
mbryonic testicular regression syndrome with bilateral transverse defe
ct of the upper limbs. The case has been presented because the pattern
of the birth defects, including both ambiguous genitalia and unilater
al amelia on one side of the upper limbs and unilateral peromelia on t
he other, have not been described previously.