Renal fibroblasts play a major role in the pathogenesis of renal inter
stitial fibrosis. This process is associated at least in some forms of
interstitial fibrosis with a differentiation of fibroblasts into myof
ibroblasts, characterized by the de novo expression of alpha-smooth mu
scle (alpha-sm) actin and/or desmin. Both the mechanisms underlying th
is differentiation and their effects on cellular function are poorly u
nderstood. In vitro studies are difficult since the phenotypes of fibr
oblasts in culture have as yet not been well defined. We have, therefo
re, examined the phenotype of inner medullary fibroblasts (IMF) during
the transition from in vivo to in vitro in various cell fractions der
ived from the inner medulla of healthy rats. IMF were positive for the
lectin BSL-1 and negative for markers of endothelial cells. IMF first
lost their prominent lipid droplets in vitro. Subsequently they devel
oped cytoplasmic processes accompanied by a decrease in their reactivi
ty for the lectin BSL-1 from strong to weak. From day 3 in primary cul
ture, exclusively these weakly positive BSL-1 cells showed a de novo e
xpression of alpha-sm actin (day 4 of primary culture, 75 +/- 4%; day
20, 94 +/- 2%) and desmin (day 4, 43 +/- 8%; day 20, 66 +/- 6%), class
ifying them as myofibroblasts. This transformation depended on culture
conditions. In a mixed coculture with inner medullary collecting duct
(IMCD) cells the transformation of IMF was largely absent: a signific
antly greater number of strong BSL-1 positive cells contained prominen
t lipid droplets (39 +/- 4 vs. 19 +/- 40%, P < 0.05) an day 4 of prima
ry culture, and the transition of strongly to weakly positive BSL-1 IM
F was almost completely blocked. By reducing the seeding density of IM
CD cells the effect of this condition on IMF transformation could be l
argely abolished. This first detailed phenotypic characterization of r
at fibroblasts during the transition from in vivo to in vitro demonstr
ates that these cells-depending on culture conditions-differentiate to
myofibroblasts within a few days of primary culture and that subcultu
red IMF exhibit predominantly this phenotype. The presented model may
serve as a useful toot for the in vitro study of myofibroblast formati
on and the consequences of such a differentiation for the physiologica
l functions of IMF.