Ll. Shears et al., INDUCIBLE NITRIC-OXIDE SYNTHASE SUPPRESSES THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLOGRAFT ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, The Journal of clinical investigation, 100(8), 1997, pp. 2035-2042
In cardiac transplantation, chronic rejection takes the form of an occ
lusive vasculopathy. The mechanism underlying this disorder remains un
clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role nitric ox
ide (NO) may play in the development of allograft arteriosclerosis. Ra
t aortic allografts from ACI donors to Wistar Furth recipients with a
strong genetic disparity in both major and minor histocompatibility an
tigens were used for transplantation. Allografts collected at 28 d wer
e found to have significant increases in both inducible NO synthase (i
NOS) mRNA and protein as well as in intimal thickness when compared wi
th isografts. Inhibiting NO production with an iNOS inhibitor increase
d the intimal thickening by 57.2%, indicating that NO suppresses the d
evelopment of allograft arteriosclerosis. Next, we evaluated the effec
t of cyclosporine (CsA) on iNOS expression and allograft arteriosclero
sis. CsA (10 mg/kg/d) suppressed the expression of iNOS in response to
balloon-induced aortic injury. Similarly, CsA inhibited iNOS expressi
on in the aortic allografts, associated with a 65% increase in intimal
thickening, Finally, we investigated the effect of adenoviral-mediate
d iNOS gene transfer on allograft arteriosclerosis. Transduction with
iNOS using an adenoviral vector suppressed completely the development
of allograft arteriosclerosis in both untreated recipients and recipie
nts treated with CsA. These results suggest that the early immune-medi
ated upregulation in iNOS expression partially protects aortic allogra
fts from the development of allograft arteriosclerosis, and that iNOS
gene transfer strategies may prove useful in preventing the developmen
t of this otherwise untreatable disease process.