We consider non-Markovian, self-interacting random walks (SIRW) on the
one-dimensional integer lattice. The walk starts from the origin and
at each step jumps to a neighboring site. The probability of jumping a
long a bond is proportional to w (number of previous jumps along that
lattice bond), where w:N --> R(+) is a monotone weight function. Expon
ential and subexponential weight functions were considered in earlier
papers. In the present paper we consider weight functions w with polyn
omial asymptotics. These weight functions define variants of the ''rei
nforced random walk.'' We prove functional limit theorems for the loca
l time processes of these random walks and local limit theorems for th
e position of the random walker at late times. A generalization of the
Ray-Knight theory of local time arises.