P. Bernard et al., FAULT LOCATION AND RUPTURE KINEMATICS OF THE MAGNITUDE 6.8, 1992 ERZINCAN EARTHQUAKE, TURKEY, FROM STRONG GROUND MOTION AND REGIONAL RECORDS, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 87(5), 1997, pp. 1230-1243
The hypocenter location of the 13 March 1992, M = 6.9 Erzincan earthqu
ake (Turkey) and its rupture kinematics have been studied using local
and regional seismic records to understand its relationship with the t
ectonic activity of the Erzincan basin and of the North Anatolian faul
t (NAF). Regional records of the mainshock and the largest aftershocks
were used to locate the respective epicenters. The mainshock S-P trav
el time delay and the P-wave polarization of the near-source accelerog
ram record in Erzincan (ERZ), calibrated by the aftershock records, co
nstrain the mainshock hypocenter to be located about 10 km to the east
-southeast of Erzincan, 39 degrees 42.3 N, 39 degrees 35.2 E, and at a
best-fit depth of about 9 km. The activated fault is a major branch o
f the NAF along the eastern edge of the basin. Hypocentral depths grea
ter than about 16 km are not supported by the data. The ground velocit
y record at ERZ has been synthesized for constraining the northwestwar
d rupture, assuming a kinematic model with constant slip and rupture v
elocity, and a strike 125 degrees, for a large number of models. The l
atter were constructed by varying the rupture parameters in a discrete
domain. The best-fit fault models are located within 1 km of the epic
enter above and have all their northwestern end within 5 km of ERZ. Th
e up-dip limit of the rupture in the vicinity of ERZ ranges from 5 to
2 km in depth, in agreement with the absence of surface breakage. The
estimated rupture velocity is 3 km/sec; the rise time is 0.35 sec; and
the mean slip of about 1 m is poorly resolved, with a standard uncert
ainty of 0.5 m, being strongly sensitive to the rupture velocity and t
o the fault location. Combining these results with the seismic moment
and the source duration provided by other studies leads to a total rup
ture length ranging between 20 and 35 km. The rupture thus propagated
bilaterally on the NAF and was confined within the limits of the basin
, stopping to the southeast near the intersection of the NAF with the
Ovacik fault.