We have studied the performance of global chi(2) fitting of low-resolu
tion X-ray spectra in retrieving intrinsic source parameters, with emp
hasis on the coronal metallicity. The study has been conducted by fitt
ing large numbers of simulated spectra with known characteristics, and
studying the distribution of best-fit parameters. We have studied the
behavior of the LECS detector on board the SAX satellite and the SIS
detector on board the ASCA satellite. The fitted source spectra have e
ither two discrete temperature components or a power-law temperature d
istribution, with metallicity variations modeled by a single global ab
undance parameter. The model used for the fitting has always been a tw
o-temperature one, with global varying abundance, to explore the influ
ence of the a priori ignorance of the actual temperature stratificatio
n in the source being observed. The simulations performed explore the
influence of varying statistics in the observed spectrum (spanning a r
ealistic range of values) as well as the effect of varying the intrins
ic source metallicity, with values in the range 0.15-1.0 times the sol
ar value. We find that the source metallicity can be retrieved to with
in a few tens of percent from ASCA/SIS spectra of typical signal to no
ise ratio, and within few percent from SAX/LECS spectra at the same si
gnal to noise ratio. However, relatively small uncertainties in the de
tector calibrations and in the plasma emission codes are likely to pot
entially cause large systematic off-sets in the value of the best-fit
parameters. Similar systematic off-sets may derive from assuming too s
implistic a temperature distribution for the source plasma. In additio
n we have re-analyzed the ASCA/SIS spectra of the active giants beta C
et and Capella with the same set of assumptions used in the simulation
s, showing how the best-fit metallicity in these two real cases depend
s on the details of the fitting process, and in particular on the chos
en energy range.