Magnetoacoustic waves in a Harris neutral current sheet are investigat
ed. The magnetic field strength, Alfven speed, sound speed and plasma
density vary continuously across the structure. The sheet supports bod
y, surface and hybrid modes. Two surface modes exist (a kink and a sau
sage). In addition, fundamental and harmonic body waves are found when
their phase speeds approach the maximum Alfven speed in the sheet. As
the phase speeds of the modes decrease, the waves have properties of
both body and surface modes - a hybrid wave. In the long wavelength li
mit the phase speed of the fundamental kink body mode and sausage surf
ace mode approach the maximum Alfven and tube speeds respectively. At
short wavelengths, the phase speeds tend to constant values, each pair
of kink and sausage modes merging after passing through the maximum v
alue of the sound speed, c(s)(max). For all modes, in the inner part o
f the current sheet, the gas pressure is out of phase with the magneti
c pressure, with the gas pressure dominating (a property of a slow mod
e). In the outer part of the sheet the magnetic pressure is in phase w
ith the total pressure (a fast mode characteristic). No purely fast or
slow mode exists. For uniform density a minimum in the group velocity
occurs only for the fundamental kink mode. For the Epstein density pr
ofile, minima in the group velocity are found for the other modes also
. Impulsively generated waves are expected to show temporal variations
that are similar to observations of oscillations of radio and X-ray e
mission of the solar corona and neutral sheet oscillations in the Eart
h's magnetotail. Calculated periods of oscillation are in good agreeme
nt with observations.