The stability of a coastal jet and front is investigated using the pri
mitive equations applied to a continuously stratified flow in geostrop
hic balance. A linear stability analysis successfully explains the gro
wth of two modes of instability with distinctly different horizontal s
cales. A long-wavelength mode (fastest-growing wavelength of 0(100 km)
) is found which is a modified version of a traditional baroclinic ins
tability. A second, rapidly growing frontal instability also exists. F
or a realistic basic state density and flow structure, this mode has i
ts fastest growth at short wavelengths (0(20 km)), e-folds in less tha
n 1.5 days and propagates rapidly in the direction of the mean flow. T
he frontal instability grows primarily by extracting the available pot
ential energy of the mean flow via a baroclinic instability mechanism.
A small contribution from vertical Reynolds stress is also found, but
the transfer via horizontal Reynolds stress is from the eddy to the m
ean kinetic energy. Further evidence shows that the frontal instabilit
y is not a result of horizontal shear instability nor is it an inertia
l instability. The frontal mode is trapped to the surface front and it
s influence is confined to the upper water column (z less than or simi
lar 70 m). A significant subsurface vertical velocity maximum (20 m d-
1 at 30 m) is associated with a frontal instability with a reasonable,
as judged by satellite sea surface temperature observations, surface
temperature perturbation of 0.35-degrees-C. The linear stability predi
ctions are verified by and compared with results from a time-dependent
, three-dimensional, nonlinear ocean circulation model. Finally, the f
rontal instability is discussed in the context of other recent stabili
ty analyses that yeld high-wavenumber modes.